Page 46 - Sept 2023 Galveston Monthly
P. 46
death at high levels,” he said. precise cuts. you’ll need pieces for the sides, top, bottom,
“Ask your grower/seller how these non-native plants and back of the butterfly house.
are treated and find alternatives with native plants. Also, To assemble the box, lay out the cut pieces to form the
cultivators that are grown for larger flowers, although rectangular box. Attach the sides, top, and bottom using nails
beautiful, often don’t benefit pollinators in that they have or screws.
little nectar to offer butterflies.” for added stability, you can use wood glue along the edges
He also urged consideration of host species that attract before nailing or screwing them together. Make sure the box
butterflies to lay their eggs. This practice not only enriches is sturdy and well-constructed.
butterfly diversity but also supports other species. using the entry slit template, mark the positions for the
vertical slits on the sides of the box. Carefully cut these slits
BUIlDIng a BUttERfly hoUSE oR MIgRatIon StatIon with a saw. The slits should be approximately half-an-inch
if you are considering building a butterfly house for your wide and three to three-and-a-half inches long.
yard, here’s how you can embark on this enchanting journey. use sandpaper to smooth any rough edges or surfaces
Check online sources for assistance like Diy Butterfly on the butterfly house. This is an important step as it will
House Plans or the Butterfly WebSite that also sells kits for prevent butterflies from getting snagged on splinters.
migration stations. youTube offers several helpful videos as if desired, you can paint or varnish the exterior of the
well. butterfly house to protect it from the elements and add
When building your own, you will need untreated, cedar aesthetic appeal. Ensure that any paint or varnish used is
or pine wood planks, a saw, nails or screws, a hammer or non-toxic to butterflies.
screwdriver, measuring tape, sandpaper, entry slit template, Place the butterfly house in the chosen location within your
wood glue, paint, varnish and a drill. garden. Elevate it a few feet above the ground using a sturdy
After collecting all the necessary materials and tools, ensure pole or post. Make sure the entry slits are easily accessible
you have the correct dimensions for the wood planks and and not obstructed by plants or other objects.
the entry slit template. To find a template, search online for it is important to regularly check the butterfly house for any
‘entry slip template for butterfly house.’ signs of wear or damage. if necessary, make repairs to ensure unpainted image source - tutorial from family handyman
Choose a suitable location that has a sheltered spot in your its structural integrity.
garden that mimics a natural woodland habitat preferred While there’s no guarantee that butterflies will immediately
by butterflies. This area should get dappled sunlight and be inhabit the house, enjoy the process of creating a welcoming
close to a flower garden or nectar source. habitat for these delicate creatures. Over time, with the right
Next, measure and mark the dimensions of the wood planks conditions and care, you can attract a variety of butterflies to
according to the plan you’re following. use the saw to make your charming setting. GM