Page 14 - Ma 2023 Galveston Monthly
P. 14
arOuNd The islaNd
Yaga’s Wild gaMe BBQ Cook-off MaY 12-13
The annual evenT moves from Pier 21 To moody Gardens To exPand acTiviTies
The exotic aromas of yaga’s Wild Game BBQ Cook-Off will fill
the grounds of Moody Gardens on Friday and Saturday, May
12 and 13, 2023 to raise funds for children’s charities across
This year the event has been moved from Pier 21 to Moody
Gardens to help consolidate everything to one location and
offer access to one of Galveston’s top hotels and attractions.
Special events include a unique fundraising experience, a fun
run, and children’s activities.
The event starts with the Friday Night Fundraiser aboard
the Colonel Paddlewheel Boat docked at Moody Gardens. An
evening of food, libations, and entertainment will culminate
with the announcement of the raffle winners with a grand prize
of $10,000.
As cook teams prepare their grills and ingredients, athletes
of all levels will participate in the Run Wild 5k on Saturday
morning. Run participation grants access to the yaga’s Wild to attend the national IBCA event.
Game Barbecue Cook-off, live music, vendors, beer sampling, Set among the pyramids of Moody Gardens, Wild Game Cook-
and a participation medal. Upgraded registration includes a off attendees and participants have access to exclusive hotel
ticket to the Friday Night Fundraiser. packages with discounted room rates, attraction packages, and
On Saturday afternoon, cook-off teams are raising money for breakfast vouchers. Making reservations directly through the
local charities and competing in several categories including Moody Gardens hotel also directly benefits yaga’s Children’s
seafood, fajitas, chicken, brisket, and wild game. Fun (yCF).
Sanctioned by the International Barbeque Cookers Association For more details or to register for the 5k or purchase tickets
(IBCA), the Wild Game Cook-Off is a chance for these pitmasters for the Friday Night Fundraiser visit
ThursdaY nighT lighTs
The sTory of black hiGh school fooTball in Texas brouGhT To life in a new
dynamic exhibiT oPen aT The bryan museum ThrouGh July 2
The Bryan Museum is proud to present a new exhibition,
“Thursday Night Lights: The Story of Black High School Football
in Texas.” The exhibition will be on view at the Bryan Museum
through July 2, 2023.
This exhibit brings the story of segregated high school football
in Texas to life. Players from this segregated league went on to
help break the color barrier in professional sports and many
have been inducted into the Sports Hall of Fame.
Recollections from the teams, individual players, coaches, and
fans who participated in this era of Texas history paired with
personal belongings and trophies immerses viewers into the
tribulations and triumphs of these brave athletes.
Thursday Night Lights does more than just tell the story of the
Prairie view Interscholastic League. It connects visitors to the life in a dynamic exhibit at the museum, both introducing and
personal side of this important time in the story of Texas. remembering the African American men and boys who coached
The exhibit also shows the league’s social relevance, its place and played organized football at segregated schools in Texas for
in Texas Black history, and its social impact across communities half a socially dark century. Mr. Hurd also serves as co-curator
both black and white during a racially repressive time. on this exhibit.
Based on the book by historian and former sportswriter The Bryan Museum is located at 1315 21 Street. The museum
Michael Hurd, “Thursday Night Lights, the Story of Black is open Wednesday thru Sunday from 10am-5pm and on Courtesy images
High School Football In Texas” (published by the University Thursdays the museum is open until 7pm. For more details call
of Texas Press in 2017), this compelling history is brought to 409.632.7685 or visit GM