Page 16 - Ma 2023 Galveston Monthly
P. 16

arOuNd The islaNd

              galvesTon hisToriC hoMes Tour

              feaTurinG 10 hisToric ProPerTies for 2023, GalvesTon hisTorical foundaTion’s 49Th
              annual GalvesTon hisToric homes Tour reTurns The firsT Two weekends in may

                  Galveston Historical Foundation opens the doors to
                Galveston’s architectural history through public tours of
                privately owned homes during its annual Galveston Historic
                Homes Tour. Large, small, and everything in between, the
                2023 tour will have something for everyone. Tours will be
                held on May 6, 7, 13, and 14 from 10am to 6pm.
                  “The annual historic homes tour features everything
                from recent large-scale residential restorations to small
                livable coastal cottages,” explains Dwayne Jones, Galveston
                Historical Foundation’s Executive Director.
                  “We are bringing some of the finest examples of historic
                island properties to tour. The 2023 tour is once again a great
                introduction to the island’s architecture for newcomers as
                well as a familiar set of wonderful properties to those who
                have attended GHF’s homes tours for years.”
                  In addition to the tours, the annual event features
                numerous special events, allowing guests unique experiences
                in many of the tour homes and historic sites across the
                island. Special event tickets are only available online on the
                GHF website.
                  For general information questions, please call
                409.765.3424. For group sales of 20 or more, please call
                409.765.3432. Tickets are not sold for individual homes.
                There are no discounts for children; infants in arms are free.
                  Tickets are $50 for non-members and are available online
                at or by calling
                409.765.7834. Members of Galveston Historical Foundation
                can purchase specially priced tickets by logging into their                                                 Courtesy images
                #GalvestonHistory+ account. Tickets are non-refundable.  GM

              16 | GALVESTON MONTHLY | MAY 2023
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