Page 16 - Sept 2023 Galveston Monthly
P. 16

arOuNd The islaNd | eveNTs & exhibiTs

              STorIeS oF The GreAT 1900 STorm - SePTember 9

              TriniTy episcopal church To commemoraTe 1900 sTorm anniversary

                Galveston’s Trinity Episcopal Church invites the public to     He would describe the night of horrors that he called
              an evening commemorating the anniversary of the 1900   simply “the storm” with such intensity that it fascinated
              Storm in the historic Trinity Episcopal Church sanctuary on   her and inspired her to collect and share personal accounts
              Saturday, September 9, 2023 at 5pm. The event is free and   from this deadly hurricane. An avid storyteller, the Great
              open to the public.                                    1900 Storm became her passion.
                “Stories of the Great 1900 Storm” will feature storytelling     Named to the 1900 Storm Centennial Committee by
              by Linda Macdonald who will share the personal         the City of Galveston, she has been invited to speak to
              experiences of many Galvestonians who faced the Great   numerous groups around the state and nation about the
              1900 Storm, including her grandfather. The deadliest   storm. Many of her stories come from her grandfather.
              hurricane ever to strike the united States, the storm killed     She has appeared on several PBS programs, the History
              over 8,000 men, women and children.                    Channel, Weather Channel, and Discovery Channel, as well
                Linda will describe the sounds, horrors, bravery, death and   as local and national network news programs. She also
              survival of September 8, 1900 in this island community.   spoke worldwide via live streaming to the international
              Her talk will be in Trinity Episcopal Church, itself a storm   Red Cross Disaster Preparedness Directors with numerous
              survivor. Photographs of Trinity Episcopal Church taken   translators sharing her stories.
              following the storm will be on display. A light reception will     in addition to the evening of stories, Trinity’s Heritage
              follow the presentation.                               Edition of The Saint John’s Bible will be on display.      Image courtesy of Rosenberg Library
                A descendent of 1900 Storm survivors, Linda Macdonald     founded in 1841 and still making history, Trinity Episcopal
              is a fourth generation Galvestonian. She first learned about   Church is located in historic downtown Galveston on the
              the Great 1900 Storm from her grandfather, Clarence    corner of 22nd and Winnie Streets. for more information on
              LaCoume, when she was only three years old.            the event, visit or call 409.765.6317.  GM

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