Page 18 - Sept 2023 Galveston Monthly
P. 18
arOuNd The islaNd | WhaT’s NeW
whAT’S new In GAlveSTon
by eSTher dAvIS mcKennA
alveston has a bustling shopping and restaurant Nguyen will realize his dream at noon on September
district and GM is pleased to be able to keep its 20, as he cuts a ribbon with the Galveston Chamber
greaders up to date on what’s new and cool around of Commerce, marking the official opening of his new
the island. Whether you are looking for a sassy boutique restaurant.
or a bite to eat, be sure to check What’s New before Nguyen has opened half a dozen restaurants to date. A
planning your day. very successful vietnamese venture in kansas City, called
iPhoTower, is still in operation and run by family.
PIRatE ISlanD BaR anD gRIll He moved back to the Houston/Galveston area full time
East undoubtedly meets west in a celebration of Asian and opened a sports bar in Houston in 2020. That business
and Texas barbeque cuisines that will be served at the was a quick COviD casualty, however, and shuttered its
new Pirate island Bar and Grill. The new restaurant is doors within a few short months.
located in the building that formerly housed La Peska “i try and take away something from the good and
Seafood Restaurant at 728 Seawall Blvd. the bad of opening and running restaurants. you can’t
Owner Spike Nguyen is excited to bring his native concentrate on the losses, but you should learn from
vietnamese dishes to Galveston island, with a Texas twist. them. i am excited to bring a completely new and unique
He calls the food a fusion of his past and his future. fusion of food to the island. Many of the old names and
“i remember visiting Galveston as a young man and established restaurants have been here for decades. i plan
thinking ‘Galveston reminds me so much of home,’” on joining that group. i am here to stay for the long haul,”
Nguyen said. “The weather was similar, and we fished and he said.
crabbed from morning until night. i remember sleeping on items on the menu include barbeque platters (Texas
the rocks at the jetties and making plans to come back to meats with Asian sauces), savory stuffed crepes, rice
Galveston island someday and open my own restaurant.” and noodle dishes, banh mi sandwiches, Phos, several