Page 22 - Sept 2023 Galveston Monthly
P. 22

           arOuNd The islaNd | marKeTplaCe


                                                                                                 aStRoS tEE ShIRtS
                                                                                          Show your love for the Astros in style
                DOWNTOWN GALvESTON iS A fANTASTiC PLACE TO fiND                          with a unique custom-designed Astros
             uNiquE iTEMS fOR THAT SPECiAL PERSON OR EvEN yOuRSELf.                      shirt. Other Astros related apparel and
              HERE iS A BRiEf LiST Of iSLAND SPECiALTiES THAT WiLL HELP                         jewelry is also available.
                 yOu MAkE THE MOST Of yOuR SHOPPiNG ExPERiENCE.                                      the Style co
                                                                                            2113-A Postoffice • 409.750.8442

                                                                                       tUllE ovERlay DRESS
                                                                           if you are looking for a new outfit that will stand out
                                                                          and turn heads, this beautiful black tulle overlay dress
                                                                                      is perfect for any occasion.
                                                                                            District Rags
                                                                                    212 22nd Street • 409.888.0924

                                                                                  vItaSEa SUn caRE
                                                                                 Refresh, hydrate, and
                                                                               protect your skin with this
           tURqUoISE nEEDlEPoInt nEcKlacE                                      light, moisture-rich lotion.
              Stop in to see a great selection of                               Especially developed for
           turquoise jewelry including this beautiful                          delicate skin of all ages, this
               silver necklace with needlepoint                                product is formulated with
                     turquoise stones.                                       sea kelp, and vitamins E and C.
                       Santa Fe Trail                                                  Patch Co
                2217 Strand • 409.762.7511                                    2111 Strand • 409.220.3148

                                                   MonogRaMED StonEwaRE
                                          Part of the Secret Garden Collection, these stoneware
                                         monogram mugs and plates with flora/fauna image are
                                        made with gold electroplating, white and charcoal colors.
                                                      Mercantile on the Strand
                                                  2301 Strand #102 • 409.443.5331

                                   SatIn tEE anD KnIt JoggER SEt
                             Experience the epitome of loungewear luxury with
                                the Elysees rich satin tee and knit jogger set.
                                            Moxie’s Lifestyle
                                  2328 Strand, Suite 270 • 409.443.5074
                                                                                           fISh hooK BRacElEt
                                                                               Add an element of nautical charm to your look with
                                                                              this elegant fish hook bracelet from The Evening Tide
                                                                               Collection. finely crafted of 14kt and sterling silver.
                                                                                                Island Silver
                                                                                        2428 Mechanic • 713.582.0129

           22  | GALVESTON MONTHLY | SEPTEMBER 2023
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